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Teaching Agile with Lego

Credit: http://motherstucker.com/

Credit: http://motherstucker.com/

Let's face it - process training can be dry. An unskilled trainer may rattle off all the concepts and ceremonies and principles and never convey the spirit or philosophy.

Here's an interesting approach using Lego blocks as a training exercise for scrum, using retrospectives as an example.

Hello everyone, here is what I was waiting for some time, one retro with LEGO® in first hand.  If you want my resume in one phrase, here is: “It was a FANTASTIC retrospective”.

First of all I was looking something funny to do with the team. Something where we could learn the great work we are able to do if we work together. Something where, as scrum master,  allow me to show the team the importance of be creative, spontaneous, and simple. After some reading, I started to think that LEGO® games could help with that. I started to search for games and I realized that there is not a lot of documented LEGO® games.


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